Gugs FM

Radio Information
Genres:House,Hip Hop,Pop
Location:Cape Town, Western Cape South Africa
Short URL of Page:
Type:Internet, FM
Description:MISSION:A high performing, financial sustainable, digitised Western Cape youth broadcaster that provides compelling informative, educational and entertaining content via all platforms.VALUES:RespectTrustIntegrityQualityMUSIC FORMATKwaito, Gqom, Mapiano, R&B, Hip Hop, Afro Pop, Pop, Gospel and House are the most popular music genres amongst young South Africans between 16-34 yearsBroadcast LanguagesisiXhosa 60%English 40%GUGS FM VISIONTo satisfy the increasing needs of young people through highly creative, trendsetting, Informative and entertaining programmes, thereby providing an effective and lucrative platform for marketersListenershipTypical Listener: The Gugs FM listener is a male or a female between the ages of 18– 35 and very proud of his/her Xhosa heritage. The Gugs FM listener is very aspirational and hungry for education; development and employment opportunities. YeyakhoNawe