Radio Mania FM - 95.5 FM

Radio Information
Genres:Brazilian Popular
Location:Ibatiba, Espírito Santo Brazil
Short URL of Page:
Frequency:95.5 FM
Type:Internet, FM
Description:One of the main Fm radios of the South of the State of Espírito Santo and East of Minas Gerais. With a popular program, Radio Mania FM takes music, entertainment and information to Ibatiba, Iúna, Irupi, Muniz Freire, Brejetuba, Lajinha, Mutum, Chalé, Conceição de Ipanema, Ipanema and Ibitirama. One of the main Fm radios of the South of the State Espírito Santo and East of Minas Gerais. With a popular program, Radio Mania FM takes music, entertainment and information to Ibatiba, Iúna, Irupi, Muniz Freire, Brejetuba, Lajinha, Mutum, Chalet, Conceição de Ipanema, Ipanema and Ibitirama.