Radio 99 - Eco 99 FM 99.0 FM

Radio Information
Genres:Adult Contemporary,Environment
Language:Hebrew (modern)
Location:Jerusalem, herzeliya Israel
Short URL of Page:
Frequency:99.0 FM
Type:Internet, FM
Description:Eco 99 FM has championed the green revolution and is broadcasting an environmental agenda and green content woven like a thread in all the music and board programs - from the morning program with Tal Berman and Aviad Kisos, through Eco Life, Echo Drive, Combined with the best hits of all time. Already feel the change - this is the first but most important and significant step on the way to revolution and change for the environment. The station recorded an increase in listening data, and even won the 2010 Radio Award, in the category of the best press program of the 2010 Eilat Press Conference for the Eco Life program. Echo 99FM supports the community - throughout the year we produce, broadcast and support campaigns of various nonprofits and organizations, which are not in their pocket, help them gain public attention, and help them raise funds, equipment and sky to improve their cries. Published by Baku 99 FM- 09-7884978 Phone for broadcasting: 1-900-54-99-99 Our website: